Our Objective..

Priest River Animal Rescue invites you to be a part of something remarkable. We are embarking on an incredible journey to build a new animal rescue facility that will redefine the way we care for animals in need.

By investing in our brand-new facility, you directly contribute to a multitude of benefits for animal welfare. Our expanded space allows us to accommodate a greater number of animals, ensuring no furry friend is left behind. We are committed to providing the highest standard of care for our beloved companions.

However, the impact of our new facility extends beyond the animals we rescue. It also serves as a place of education and inspiration, fostering a community that values responsible pet ownership, empathy, and compassion for all creatures. By creating an open and welcoming environment, we aim to provoke meaningful conversations and ignite positive change within our community.

Together, let’s build a haven where love, care, and second chances are abundant. Join our mission to redefine what it means to be an animal rescue sanctuary, and witness the transformative power of our new facility. With your support, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of animals and advocate for a more compassionate world.

Why we need a new facility…

In light of the current circumstances, it is imperative that we address the pressing need for a new facility. The current state of our establishment is far from satisfactory:

  • Limited space has forced us to turn away 70% of dogs and 60% of cats in need, leaving them without the sanctuary they desperately require.
  • The absence of heat and hot water in the puppy isolation building forces us to close it for the winter having to turn away puppies.
  • Critters Thrift Store would increase sales by 30% by broadening their inventory.

By investing in a new facility, we would not only alleviate these urgent concerns, but also enable us to expand our services. Our vision includes:

  • hosting health and wellness clinics for community pets and,
  • providing much needed veterinary care and education to pet owners.

It is of utmost importance that we make this investment to ensure the welfare of the animals we serve and create a positive impact in our community.


Thanks to Debbie and John Vickers, owners of the Priest River Ranch Club… 

Our future home will be located off Highway 2 between Les Schwab and The Ranch Club on a 2.5 acre lot!

Ms. Rahje and Ms. Bernadette are our permanent residents of PRAR. 

Total donations received including PayPal, Endowments, Checks, etc.

Created using the Donation Thermometer plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/donation-thermometer/.$3,500,000Raised $105,468 towards the $3,500,000 target.$105,468Raised $105,468 towards the $3,500,000 target.